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Top 5 digital transformation trends shaping the organizations

By Rahul Kamat,

Added 21 November 2022

The digital transformation has many benefits, including improved customer service, more productive staff, digitization, and increased profitability.

Technology is evolving as new ideas are introduced constantly. Our lives have undergone a profound transformation due to new technologies. Modernization is changing the world, and not just our personal lives. Moreover, businesses, especially manufacturing industries are also making use of technology where they can. We've moved past the point where only companies with deep pockets could afford to use the newest technologies.

Innovation has advanced owing to digitalization at a pace we never thought possible. Manufacturing companies have been using digitalization to facilitate adaptable changes in operational procedures, information systems, and society. Innovations in services are made possible by digitalization, which has also recently changed the business climate across many industries. Digitalization can, therefore, if used effectively, assist the business in developing dynamic capacities for agility, flexibility, and resilience in delivering the goods and services that customers desire. In addition, it is essential that the service sectors now use new technologies to survive in the digital world after the epidemic.  

Digital transformation has many benefits, including improved customer service, more productive staff, digitization, and increased profitability. Therefore, the fact that many organisations already use a digital-first strategy is not surprising. It is anticipated that digital transformation technology spending will reach $1.8 trillion in 2022, according to a report. 

Here are the top 5 digital transformation trends:

Cloud Technology

In recent years, cloud computing has experienced tremendous growth. Organizations have switched their attention away from on-premises data centres and toward cloud services, which has sparked a significant global digital change. Following multiple iterations, cloud computing is ready to upend manufacturing companies' operations and give businesses access to data anytime and anywhere in the world. As a result of the removal of physical constraints, employee productivity will rise while working together on projects. Furthermore, organisations no longer need to invest in physical infrastructure or pay their staff to commute between different locations. When necessary, cloud computing also simplifies storing vast volumes of data and allows for remote access.

Internet of Things (IoT)

One of the most significant developments in digital transformation is the Internet of Things (IoT), which can speed up digital transformation within a company. The term "Internet of Things" describes how physical items are linked to the internet and one another, so they can exchange and collect data. With this data, efficiency can be increased, new business concepts can be created, and customer experiences can be improved. According to Gartner, by 2025, 95% of all new product designs will use the Internet of Things. Reduced costs, more computing power, and declining sensor prices all contribute to the growth of IoT devices. As IoT devices get more accessible and less expensive to deploy, IoT technology can be used as a key to help businesses undergo a digital transformation.

Augmented Reality Cloud (AR Cloud)

The augmented reality (AR) cloud will rank among the most essential facets of future digital transformation, above all other developments. Businesses may use AR Cloud to strengthen connections and communication throughout their entire ecosystem. Companies may develop new customer experiences and connect with employees creatively by blending the physical and digital worlds. Because of the buzz surrounding it, the use of AR Cloud in digital transformation has increased.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is typically connected to cryptocurrency. But it has a wide range of applications, particularly in enterprises. Since its records are fixed, blockchain's most salient benefit is increased security. Technology, however, has an impact on how businesses manage supply chains, partner relationships, and deal with contracts and transactions. Last year, non-fungible tokens saw a vast increase in popularity. Moreover, NFTs are exchanged similarly to other asset classes, primarily used in digital games and art, but they can also be helpful in the ownership of data as well as stocks, bonds, and real estate.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

In the last ten years, AI has developed quickly, affecting many economic sectors, including communications, healthcare, transportation, finance, and technological services. It has transformed the way businesses operate by automating corporate operations, improving customer engagement, analysing data to provide insights, accelerating recruiting and recruitment, organising billing and invoicing, and much more. The adoption of AI-powered marketing automation software has increased significantly. Artificial intelligence-powered marketing and sales solutions are popular with marketers, who incorporate them into their digital transformation strategy. For instance, AI enables marketers to save significant time that would otherwise be required to create individualized content experiences.

All things considered!

Although digital transformation is on the rise, many organisations need to integrate new technology. A lack of resources, ignorance, or fear of an unsettling shift could bring this on. Organizations must reconsider their strategies, and accept the changes that may substantially influence customer experience, and staff engagement if they want to be competitive in this quickly changing environment.

Moreover, higher revenues are generated, and disruption is sparked through digital transformation. Promising trends in digital transformation that could foster business expansion appear every year. Therefore, organisations need to be abreast of the most recent developments in the field of digital transformation. They can enhance their operations and develop a competitive advantage to become market leaders as technology becomes more affordable.